Flood Related Resources

After the Flood Resources

If you are in possession on this material it is because you, or someone you know has been devastated by the recent flooding event. This tragic act of Mother Nature has undoubtedly turned your world upside down. I have compiled the attached to assist you in your cleanup and recovery. My best advice to you is to not rush to rebuild, but to think thru your decisions keeping in mind the long- term decisions and the implications they have, whether this is your forever home or a transition home. The repair and rebuild decisions you make now, may inadvertently cost you more money in the future on flood insurance premiums or compromise the resale value or appeal. My best advice is before you rebuild, please consult with a mitigation professional, so that you are making informed decisions, which are in your best interest.

U.S. Flood Solutions Publications/Presentations

Mitigation Resources

FEMA Technical Bulletins

On the Web


Lisa (Jones) has a unique perspective when it comes to understanding the flood risk of a structure. She has been involved with all sides of the flood insurance and risk programs. As a land surveyor certified to provide FEMA Elevation Certificates I have sat under her training and gained a better understanding of my roll. As a consultant she has worked with many of my clients to guide them through the process of identifying ways to lower premium rates. I highly recommend Lisa.

Terry Hatchell
President Terry G. Hatchell Survey Consultants