Principal, CFM, ANFI, CPM
Welcome to U.S. Flood Solutions
Formerly Carolina Flood Solutions
Let's face it — the National Flood Insurance Program is a complex government program!
Whether your issue or concerns is with flood insurance, flood maps or the floodplain regulations, U.S. Flood Solutions, LLC is uniquely qualified to assist our clients with a variety of flood insurance and floodplain related tasks from the earliest thoughts of a building or renovation project to assisting clients with flood-prone development and construction services. You may have just received a bill in the mail for flood insurance, or you may have inadvertently failed to comply with your community’s floodplain management regulations and they are now telling you need a permit, after the fact.

Principal, CFM, ANFI, CPM
Lisa Sharrard was referred to NAR as an independent, expert consultant who had successfully advocated for our members and their clients with the WYOs. She had been the NFIP coordinator for South Carolina from 1994-2010, so she understood the insurance side of NFIP as well as its flood mapping, community compliance, and mitigation programs. She knew the questions to ask about the rate quotes and where to go in FEMA for the answers. Drawing on her years of insurance underwriting experience -- both as a licensed property/casualty producer and senior professional trainer for the NFIP Direct Program, Ms. Sharrard was able to quickly pinpoint the problems and distill the information so our members could follow the rating calculations step-by-step and see the patterns where the process was breaking down. Ms. Sharrard became NAR’s “Go-To” advisor for the most complicated ratings. She provided a series of trainings from the documentation one needs to challenge a flood insurance mis-rating to how to reform the CRS Program. She provided the inaccurate-rate-quote examples which formed the basis of NAR’s testimony before Congress in support of the Affordability Act. We envisioned someone with her skill sets as the Advocate when we worked with Congress to develop the provisions which created the Office and ultimately were signed into law.
Chris Polychron
2015 President - National Association of REALTORS ®
What Would You Like To Do?
Lower My Flood Insurance Premium
If you think you’re paying too much, you just might be!

FEMA estimates that about 60% of policy holders may be paying too much.
Contact us to see if we can help you save money on your premium or if you are entitled to a REFUND!
Contact Lisa >>>Qualify For LOMA & Flood Insurance Waivers
Quickly upload your elevation certificate and let us review it.

If you qualify, we can file the application on your behalf. We are eLOMA qualified.
Upload Your Certificate >>>Reduce My Flood Risk Using Mitigation
We offer innovative suggestions for flood risk & mitigation reduction.

We'll work with you to make your structure flood resistant and lower your premium.
Thank you for choosing Carolina Flood Solutions LLC to assist you with your flood risk consulting needs.
Learn More >>>Quote & Purchase A Flood Insurance Policy
Fill out a simple questionnaire and get a flood insurance quote.

If you have an elevation certificate please have a copy available as you complete the application.
This is a free quote with no obligation.
Once you decide you can purchase the policy.
Insure My Structure >>>Announcing Carolina Flood Solutions New Non-Engineered Flood Openings Guide

Carolina Flood Solutions LLC is pleased to announce the development and release of a "Non-Engineered Flood Openings Field Guide," in collaboration with Smart Vent Products, Inc. After years of reviewing elevation certificates and insurance policies that have failed to properly calculate the "net" open area of non-engineered openings, Lisa Sharrard, Principal, of Carolina Flood Solutions LLC, in collaboration with Smart Vent Products, Inc., set out to develop a field guide for use by surveyors, floodplain managers and insurance professionals to reference in calculating or verifying the "net" open area of non-engineered openings.
These openings mainly consist of fixed static air vents with screens that have been used to cover flood openings in foundation walls of residences and commercial buildings located In the floodplain.
These flood openings are required by local ordinances to relieve hydrostatic pressures against foundation walls so they do not collapse during flood conditions. In addition, flood openings help to lessen the impact on the surrounding floodplain and maintain documented Base Flood Elevation by allowing the flood water to flow into the enclosed space utilizing it as flood storage. Please share the release of this information with your colleagues.